
Deprecate Reseller API endpoints

Deprecated Reseller related API endpoints

OAuth 2.0 Authentication flow for apps and integrations

Users can now benefit from a secure, straightforward third party authentication to Brevo via oAuth apps. This allows users to connect to all our listed public APIs through OAuth 2.0 and have a granular definiton of what users access which applications.


Permissions platform changed for company management

manage_owned_companies and manage_other_companies is now under a seperate Companies permissions title.


New value domain provider added in Domain Management API

A new value is added in the response of the Create a domain API endpoint. The response will now look as the JSON mentioned below.


Additional DNS record added

User will now be asked to add three DNS records in addition to two. An example is mentioned below.


Introduced multi-tag support for Transactional SMS

You can now use multiple tags to tag a SMS and you can also filter an SMS with tags. You can add an array of strings in the tag parameter.


Added support of Whatsapp and Landline in Import API

WhatsApp and Landline identifiers have been added to the Import API V3 this means from now on, we can use this API to import contacts with only WhatsApp or Landline identifiers without having to use email or SMS.We can use these identifiers in all import formats (file_url , file_body, json_body).
These events will be shown on the contact timeline with the source API V3.


New parameters for get a contact list details

Introduced the parameters startDate and endDate to get a lists email campaign details. Users can now define an interval for the email campaigns using the list ids. When no interval is defined, the endpoint will return data from the last 6 months.