
Added url in response schema of UploadImageToGallery

You will now receive url for image uploaded in the response of this route.


Pagination changes on "Return all your email campaigns" endpoint

In order to provide a reduced latency for this resource we have modified the default limit to be 50 results per page and 100 as a maximum. If you have specified a different limit than the recommended one, then we suggest you to do the necessary changes.


Scheduled transactional messages (Beta)

It is now possible to schedule transactional messages to be sent in the future. You can define a single transactional email or configure a batch send-out with millions of versions.


Contact import endpoint now supports JSON body

You can now create contact import jobs using a complete JSON definition for your contact attributes.


HTML templates are now supported for batch sending transactional email

You can now use your unique HTML code and edit it when sending transactional messages in batches.
Just edit the variable htmlContent for each message version you want to create.


Increased rate limit for batch sending email.

We have (again) increased the rate limit for the batch sending functionality of our Email API.
You can now call the endpoint up to 100x per minute, this meaning you can send out a maximum of 6.000.000 emails per hour.


Bulk update contacts

  • We now allow users to pass a set of contacts with their updated fields in one single API call via a JSON payload.
  • Each contact can have different fields overwriten/updated through this call.
  • In a single call each contact can be identified with a mix of id or email or sms

Extended rate limit for batch sending.

We have increased the rate limit for the batch sending functionality of our Email API.
You can now call the endpoint up to 5x per minute, this meaning you can send out a maximum of 30 000 emails per hour.


Email API now supports idempotency.

Passing the IdempotencyKey in the transactional email headers now allows you to be sure the request will be processed only once and that not repeated emails will be sent to your recipients mailbox.


Unicode option on all SMS endpoints

It's now posible to define special characters as non-unicode. Whenever the flag is set to false any unicode characters in the message payload will be converted to their english equivalents.