JUMP TOIntroductionGetting startedTransactionalTransactional emailsSend a transactional emailpostGet the list of transactional emails on the basis of allowed filtersgetGet the personalized content of a sent transactional emailgetDelete an SMTP transactional logdeleteGet the list of email templatesgetCreate an email templatepostReturns the template informationgetUpdate an email templateputDelete an inactive email templatedeleteSend a template to your test listpostGet your transactional email activity aggregated over a period of timegetGet your transactional email activity aggregated per daygetGet all your transactional email activity (unaggregated events)getUnblock or resubscribe a transactional contactdeleteGet the list of blocked or unsubscribed transactional contactsgetGet the list of blocked domainsgetAdd a new domain to the list of blocked domainspostUnblock an existing domain from the list of blocked domainsdeleteDelete hardbouncespostFetch scheduled emails by batchId or messageIdgetDelete scheduled emails by batchId or messageIddeleteTransactional SMSSend SMS message asynchronously to a mobile numberpostSend SMS message to a mobile numberpostGet your SMS activity aggregated over a period of timegetGet your SMS activity aggregated per daygetGet all your SMS activity (unaggregated events)getInbound ParsingGet the list of all the events for the received emails.getFetch all events history for one particular received email.getRetrieve inbound attachment with download token.getTransactional WhatsAppSend a WhatsApp messagepostGet all your WhatsApp activity (unaggregated events)getMarketingEmail CampaignsReturn all your created email campaignsgetCreate an email campaignpostGet an email campaign reportgetUpdate an email campaignputDelete an email campaigndeleteSend an email campaign immediately, based on campaignIdpostSend an email campaign to your test listpostUpdate an email campaign statusputSend the report of a campaignpostGet an A/B test email campaign resultsgetGet a shared template urlgetExport the recipients of an email campaignpostUpload an image to your account's image gallerypostSMS CampaignsReturns the information for all your created SMS campaignsgetCreates an SMS campaignpostGet an SMS campaigngetUpdate an SMS campaignputDelete an SMS campaigndeleteSend your SMS campaign immediatelypostUpdate a campaign's statusputSend a test SMS campaignpostExport an SMS campaign's recipientspostSend an SMS campaign's reportpostWhatsApp CampaignsGet a WhatsApp campaigngetDelete a WhatsApp campaigndeleteUpdate a WhatsApp campaignputReturn all your created WhatsApp templatesgetCreate and Send a WhatsApp campaignpostReturn all your created WhatsApp campaignsgetCreate a WhatsApp templatepostSend your WhatsApp template for approvalpostGet your WhatsApp API account informationgetContact managementContactsGet all the contactsgetCreate a contactpostCreate Contact via DOI (Double-Opt-In) FlowpostGet a contact's detailsgetDelete a contactdeleteUpdate a contactputUpdate multiple contactspostGet email campaigns' statistics for a contactgetList all attributesgetUpdate contact attributeputCreate contact attributepostDelete an attributedeleteDelete a multiple-choice attribute optiondeleteGet all foldersgetCreate a folderpostReturns a folder's detailsgetUpdate a folderputDelete a folder (and all its lists)deleteGet lists in a foldergetGet all the listsgetCreate a listpostGet a list's detailsgetUpdate a listputDelete a listdeleteGet all the segmentsgetGet contacts in a listgetAdd existing contacts to a listpostDelete a contact from a listpostExport contactspostImport contactsposteventsEventCreate an eventpostAccounts and settingsSendersGet the list of all your sendersgetCreate a new senderpostUpdate a senderputDelete a senderdeleteValidate Sender using OTPputGet all the dedicated IPs for a sendergetGet all the dedicated IPs for your accountgetDomainsGet the list of all your domainsgetCreate a new domainpostDelete a domaindeleteValidate domain configurationgetAuthenticate a domainputWebhooksGet all webhooksgetCreate a webhookpostGet a webhook detailsgetUpdate a webhookputDelete a webhookdeleteExport all webhook eventspostAccountGet your account information, plan and credits detailsgetGet user activity logsgetMaster accountGet the list of all the sub-accounts of the master account.getCreate a new sub-account under a master account.postGet sub-account detailsgetDelete a sub-accountdeleteUpdate sub-account planputUpdate sub-accounts planputGenerate SSO token to access admin accountpostGenerate SSO token to access sub-accountpostGet the details of requested master accountgetCreate an API key for a sub-accountpostEnable/disable sub-account application(s)putCreate a group of sub-accountspostList of all IPsgetAssociate an IP to sub-accountspostDissociate an IP to sub-accountsputGET a group detailsgetUpdate a group of sub-accountsputDelete a groupdeleteDelete sub-account from groupputSend invitation to an admin userpostResend / cancel admin user invitationputRevoke an admin userdeleteGet the list of all admin usersgetCheck admin user permissionsgetChange admin user permissionsputGet the list of groupsgetUserGet the list of all your usersgetCheck user permissiongetRevoke user permissionputResend / Cancel invitationputSend invitation to userpostUpdate permission for a userpostProcessReturn all the processes for your accountgetReturn the informations for a processgetExternal FeedsFetch all external feedsgetCreate an external feedpostGet an external feed by UUIDgetUpdate an external feedputDelete an external feeddeleteSales CRMCompaniesGet all CompaniesgetCreate a companypostGet a companygetDelete a companydeleteUpdate a companypatchCreate a company/deal attributepostGet company attributesgetLink and Unlink company with contact and dealpatchImport companies(creation and updation)postDealsGet pipeline stagesgetGet a pipelinegetGet all pipelinesgetGet deal attributesgetGet all dealsgetCreate a dealpostGet a dealgetDelete a dealdeleteUpdate a dealpatchLink and Unlink a deal with contacts and companiespatchImport deals(creation and updation)postTasksGet all task typesgetGet all tasksgetCreate a taskpostGet a taskgetDelete a taskdeleteUpdate a taskpatchNotesGet all notesgetCreate a notepostGet a notegetUpdate a notepatchDelete a notedeleteFilesGet all filesgetUpload a filepostDownload a filegetDelete a filedeleteGet file detailsgetBrevo APIConversationsSend a message as an agentpostGet a messagegetUpdate a message sent by an agentputDelete a message sent by an agentdeleteSend an automated message to a visitorpostGet an automated messagegetUpdate an automated messageputDelete an automated messagedeleteSets agent’s status to online for 2-3 minutespostTrackerRestful endpointsIdentify the userpostTrack eventpostTrack link clickspostTrack page viewspostEcommerceEcommerceActivate the eCommerce apppostSet the ISO 4217 compliant display currency code for your Brevo accountpostGet the ISO 4217 compliant display currency code for your Brevo accountgetGet attribution metrics for one or more Brevo campaigns or workflowsgetGet detailed attribution metrics for a single Brevo campaign or workflowgetGet attributed product sales for a single Brevo campaign or workflowgetGet order detailsgetManaging the status of the orderpostCreate orders in batchpostReturn all your categoriesgetCreate/Update a categorypostGet a category detailsgetCreate categories in batchpostReturn all your productsgetCreate/Update a productpostGet a product's detailsgetCreate products in batchpostCouponsGet all your coupon collectionsgetCreate а coupon collectionpostGet a coupon collection by idgetUpdate a coupon collection by idpatchCreate coupons for a coupon collectionpostPaymentsCreate a payment requestpostGet payment request detailsgetDelete a payment request.deleteLoyaltyProgramGet loyalty program listgetCreate loyalty programpostGet loyalty program InfogetUpdate loyalty programputPartially update loyalty programpatchDelete Loyalty ProgramdeletePublish loyalty programpostCreate subscriptionpostCreate subscription memberpostDelete subscription memberdeleteGet Subscription DatagetRewardGet code countgetGet voucher for a contactgetGet Reward Page APIgetCreate a rewardpostGet reward informationgetCreate a voucherpostCreate redeem voucher requestpostComplete redeem voucher requestpostRevoke vouchersdeleteValidate a rewardpostBalanceGet balance definition listgetCreate balance definitionpostGet balance definitiongetUpdate balance definitionputDelete balance definitiondeleteCreate balance limitspostGet balance limitsgetDelete balance limitdeleteUpdates balance limitputGet subscription balancesgetCreate subscription balancespostGet balance listgetCreate new transactionpostComplete transactionpostCancel transactionpostCreate balance orderpostGet Active Balances APIgetGet Transaction History APIgetTierCreate a tier grouppostList tier groupsgetUpdate tier groupputDelete tier groupdeleteGet tier groupgetList tiersgetCreate a tierpostDelete tierdeleteUpdate tierputAssign a tierpostGet the list of all admin usersget https://api.brevo.com/v3/corporate/invited/usersThis endpoint allows you to list all Admin users of your Admin account