Update an email campaign

Code Examples

You can use as reference the code below to implement this call in your preferred language.
Check all our official API clients here

const SibApiV3Sdk = require('sib-api-v3-sdk');
let defaultClient = SibApiV3Sdk.ApiClient.instance;

let apiKey = defaultClient.authentications['api-key'];
apiKey.apiKey = 'YOUR API KEY';

let apiInstance = new SibApiV3Sdk.EmailCampaignsApi();

let campaignId = 1; 

let emailCampaign = new SibApiV3Sdk.UpdateEmailCampaign(); 

emailCampaign = {
  tag: 'myTag',
  sender: {name: 'senderName', email: '[email protected]'}, name: 'My First Campaign',
  templateId: 10,
  scheduledAt: new Date("2021-01-01T00:00:00+00:00"),
  subject: ' My {{params.subject}}',
  replyTo: '[email protected]',
  toField: '{{contact.FIRSTNAME}} {{contact.LASTNAME}}',
  recipients: {listIds: [1, 3], exclusionListIds: [2]},
  attachmentUrl: 'https://attachment.domain.com/myAttachmentFromUrl.jpg',
  inlineImageActivation: false,
  mirrorActive: false,
  recurring: false,
  type: 'classic',
  header: 'If you are not able to see this mail, click {here}',
  footer: 'If you wish to unsubscribe from our newsletter, click {here}',
  utmCampaign: 'My utm campaign value',
  params: {'PARAMETER': 'My param value' , 'ADDRESS': 'Seattle, WA', 'SUBJECT': 'New Subject'}

apiInstance.updateEmailCampaign(campaignId, emailCampaign).then(function() {
  console.log('API called successfully.');
}, function(error) {
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');

$config = SendinBlue\Client\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setApiKey('api-key', 'YOUR API KEY');

$apiInstance = new SendinBlue\Client\Api\EmailCampaignsApi(
    new GuzzleHttp\Client(),
$campaignId = 1;
$emailCampaign = new \SendinBlue\Client\Model\UpdateEmailCampaign();
$emailCampaign['tag'] = 'myTag';
$emailCampaign['sender'] =  array('name' => 'senderName', 'email' => '[email protected]');
$emailCampaign['name'] = 'My First Campaign';
$emailCampaign['templateId'] = 1;
$emailCampaign['scheduledAt'] = new \DateTime('2021-01-01T00:00:00+00:00');
$emailCampaign['subject'] = 'My {{params.subject}}';
$emailCampaign['replyTo'] = '[email protected]';
$emailCampaign['toField'] = '{{contact.FIRSTNAME}} {{contact.LASTNAME}}';
$emailCampaign['recipients'] =  array(
	'listIds' => array(1, 3), 'exclusionListIds' => array(2)
$emailCampaign['attachmentUrl'] = 'https://attachment.domain.com/myAttachmentFromUrl.jpg';
$emailCampaign['inlineImageActivation'] = false;
$emailCampaign['mirrorActive'] = false;
$emailCampaign['recurring'] = false;
$emailCampaign['type'] = 'classic';
$emailCampaign['header'] = 'If you are not able to see this mail, click {here}';
$emailCampaign['footer'] = 'If you wish to unsubscribe from our newsletter, click {here}';
$emailCampaign['utmCampaign'] = 'My utm campaign value';
$emailCampaign['params'] = array('PARAMETER' => 'My param value', 'ADDRESS' => 'Seattle, WA', 'SUBJECT' => 'New Subject');

try {
    $apiInstance->updateEmailCampaign($campaignId, $emailCampaign);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling EmailCampaignsApi->updateEmailCampaign: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
from __future__ import print_function
import time
import datetime
import sib_api_v3_sdk
from sib_api_v3_sdk.rest import ApiException
from pprint import pprint

configuration = sib_api_v3_sdk.Configuration()
configuration.api_key['api-key'] = 'YOUR API KEY'

api_instance = sib_api_v3_sdk.EmailCampaignsApi(sib_api_v3_sdk.ApiClient(configuration))
campaign_id = 1
tag = 'myTag'
sender = {"name": 'senderName', "email": '[email protected]'}
name = 'My First Campaign'
scheduled_at = "2021-03-25T15:10:00+05:30"
subject = ' My Subject'
reply_to = '[email protected]'
to_field = 'John Doe'
recipients = {"listIds": [1, 3], "exclusionListIds": [2]}
attachment_url = 'https://attachment.domain.com/myAttachmentFromUrl.jpg'
inline_image_activation = False
mirror_active = False
header = 'If you are not able to see this mail, click {here}'
footer = 'If you wish to unsubscribe from our newsletter, click {here}'
utm_campaign = 'My utm campaign value'
email_campaign = sib_api_v3_sdk.UpdateEmailCampaign(tag=tag, sender=sender, name=name, scheduled_at=scheduled_at, subject=subject, reply_to=reply_to, to_field=to_field, recipients=recipients, attachment_url=attachment_url, inline_image_activation=inline_image_activation,mirror_active=mirror_active, header=header, footer=footer, utm_campaign=utm_campaign) # UpdateEmailCampaign | Values to update a campaign

    api_instance.update_email_campaign(campaign_id, email_campaign)
except ApiException as e:
    print("Exception when calling EmailCampaignsApi->update_email_campaign: %s\n" % e)
const SibApiV3Sdk = require('sib-api-v3-typescript');

let apiInstance = new SibApiV3Sdk.EmailCampaignsApi();

let apiKey = apiInstance.authentications['apiKey'];
apiKey.apiKey = 'YOUR API KEY';

let campaignId = 1;

let emailCampaign = new SibApiV3Sdk.UpdateEmailCampaign(); 

emailCampaign = {
  tag: 'myTag',
  sender: {name: 'senderName', email: '[email protected]'}, name: 'My First Campaign',
  templateId: 10,
  scheduledAt: new Date("2021-01-01T00:00:00+00:00"),
  subject: ' My {{params.subject}}',
  replyTo: '[email protected]',
  toField: '{{contact.FIRSTNAME}} {{contact.LASTNAME}}',
  recipients: {listIds: [1, 3], exclusionListIds: [2]},
  attachmentUrl: 'https://attachment.domain.com/myAttachmentFromUrl.jpg',
  inlineImageActivation: false,
  mirrorActive: false,
  recurring: false,
  type: 'classic',
  header: 'If you are not able to see this mail, click {here}',
  footer: 'If you wish to unsubscribe from our newsletter, click {here}',
  utmCampaign: 'My utm campaign value',
  params: {'PARAMETER': 'My param value' , 'ADDRESS': 'Seattle, WA', 'SUBJECT': 'New Subject'} 

apiInstance.updateEmailCampaign(campaignId, emailCampaign).then(function() {
  console.log('API called successfully.');
}, function(error) {
package sibApi;

import sendinblue.ApiClient;
import sendinblue.Configuration;
import sendinblue.auth.ApiKeyAuth;
import sibModel.*;
import org.threeten.bp.OffsetDateTime;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.List;

public class Program {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();
        // Configure API key authorization: api-key
        ApiKeyAuth apiKey = (ApiKeyAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("api-key");
        apiKey.setApiKey("YOUR API KEY");

        try {
            EmailCampaignsApi api = new EmailCampaignsApi();
            Long campaignId = 1l;
            UpdateEmailCampaignSender sender = new UpdateEmailCampaignSender();
            sender.setEmail("[email protected]");
            sender.setName("John Doe");
            String scheduledAt = "2021-08-22T09:43:51.970+05:30";
            List<Long> listIds = new ArrayList<Long>();
            List<Long> exclusionListIds = new ArrayList<Long>();
            UpdateEmailCampaignRecipients recipients = new UpdateEmailCampaignRecipients();
            UpdateEmailCampaign emailCampaign = new UpdateEmailCampaign();
            emailCampaign.setName("My First Campaign");
            emailCampaign.setSubject("My {{params.subject}}");
            emailCampaign.setReplyTo("[email protected]");
            emailCampaign.setToField("{{contact.FIRSTNAME}} {{contact.LASTNAME}}");
            emailCampaign.setHeader("If you are not able to see this mail, click {here}");
            emailCampaign.setFooter("If you wish to unsubscribe from our newsletter, click {here}");
            emailCampaign.setUtmCampaign("My utm campaign value");
            Properties params = new Properties();
            params.setProperty("PARAMETER","My param value");
            params.setProperty("ADDRESS","Seattle, WA");
            params.setProperty("SUBJECT","New Subject");
            api.updateEmailCampaign(campaignId, emailCampaign);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            System.out.println("Exception occurred:- " + e.getMessage());
using sib_api_v3_sdk.Api;
using sib_api_v3_sdk.Client;
using sib_api_v3_sdk.Model;
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;
using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace Sendinblue
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Configuration.Default.ApiKey.Add("api-key", "YOUR API KEY");

            var apiInstance = new EmailCampaignsApi();
            long? campaignId = 1;
            string tag = "myTag";
            string sender_Name = "John Doe";
            string sender_Email = "[email protected]";
            UpdateEmailCampaignSender sender = new UpdateEmailCampaignSender(sender_Name, sender_Email);
            string name = "My First Campaign";
            string htmlContent = null;
            string htmlUrl = null;
            string scheduledAt = "2021-12-24T16:03:51.000+05:30);
            string subject = "My {{params.subject}}";
            string replyTo = "[email protected]";
            string toField = "{{contact.FIRSTNAME}} {{contact.LASTNAME}}";
            List<long?> exclusionListIds = new List<long?>();
            List<long?> listIds = new List<long?>();
            UpdateEmailCampaignRecipients recipients = new UpdateEmailCampaignRecipients(exclusionListIds, listIds);
            string attachmentUrl = "https://attachment.domain.com/myAttachmentFromUrl.jpg";
            bool? inlineImageActivation = false;
            bool? mirrorActive = false;
            bool? recurring = false;
            string footer = "If you wish to unsubscribe from our newsletter, click {here}";
            string header = "If you are not able to see this mail, click {here}";
            string utmCampaign = "My utm campaign value";
            JObject _params = new JObject();
            _params.Add("PARAMETER", "My param value");
            _params.Add("ADDRESS", "Seattle, WA");
            _params.Add("SUBJECT", "New Subject");
                var emailCampaign = new UpdateEmailCampaign(tag, sender, name, htmlContent, htmlUrl, scheduledAt, subject, replyTo, toField, recipients, attachmentUrl, inlineImageActivation, mirrorActive, recurring, footer, header, utmCampaign, _params);
                apiInstance.UpdateEmailCampaign(campaignId, emailCampaign);
            catch (Exception e)
package main
import (
    sib_api_v3_sdk "./lib"

func main() {
	var ctx context.Context
	var cli = sib_api_v3_sdk.APIClient{
		cfg: sib_api_v3_sdk.NewConfiguration(),
	//Configure API key authorization: api-key
	cli.cfg.AddDefaultHeader("api-key", "YOUR_API_KEY")

	sib := sib_api_v3_sdk.NewAPIClient(cli.cfg)
	campaignId := int64(1)
	params := UpdateEmailCampaign{
		Tag: "myTag",
		Sender: &UpdateEmailCampaignSender{
			Name:  "senderName",
			Email: "[email protected]",
		Name:                  "My First Campaign",
		ScheduledAt:           "2021-03-25T15:10:00+05:30",
		Subject:               "My Subject",
		ReplyTo:               "[email protected]",
		ToField:               "John Doe",
		AttachmentUrl:         "https://attachment.domain.com/myAttachmentFromUrl.jpg",
		InlineImageActivation: false,
		MirrorActive:          false,
		UtmCampaign:           "My utm campaign value",
	resp, err := sib.EmailCampaignsApi.UpdateEmailCampaign(ctx, params, campaignId)
    if err!=nil{
        fmt.Println("Error in EmailCampaignsApi->UpdateEmailCampaign ",err.Error())
	fmt.Println( "UpdateEmailCampaign, response:",resp)
# load the gem
require 'sib-api-v3-sdk'
# setup authorization
SibApiV3Sdk.configure do |config|
  # Configure API key authorization: api-key
  config.api_key['api-key'] = 'YOUR API KEY'

api_instance = SibApiV3Sdk::EmailCampaignsApi.new

campaign_id = 789 # Integer | Id of the campaign

email_campaign = SibApiV3Sdk::UpdateEmailCampaign.new # UpdateEmailCampaign | Values to update a campaign

email_campaigns = {
  'name'=> 'my new campaign',
  'subject'=> 'My {{params.subject}}',
  'sender'=> {
      'name'=> 'senderName',
      'email'=> '[email protected]'
  'templateId'=> 10,
  'scheduledAt'=> DateTime.iso8601('2021-02-03T04:05:06+07:00'),
  'replyTo'=> '[email protected]',
  'toField'=> '{{contact.FIRSTNAME}} {{contact.LASTNAME}}',
  'recipients'=> {
    'listIds'=> [1,3],
    'exclusionListIds'=> [2]
  'attachmentUrl'=> 'https://attachment.domain.com/myAttachmentFromUrl.jpg',
  'inlineImageActivation'=> false,
  'mirrorActive'=> false,
  'recurring'=> false,
  'type'=> 'classic',
  'tag'=> 'myTag',
  'header'=> 'If you are not able to see this mail, click {here}',
  'footer'=> 'If you wish to unsubscribe from our newsletter, click {here}',
  'utmCampaign'=> 'My utm campaign value',
  'params'=> {
    'PARAMETER'=> 'My param value',
    'ADDRESS'=> 'Seattle, WA',
    'SUBJECT'=> 'New Subject'

  #Update an email campaign
  api_instance.update_email_campaign(campaign_id, email_campaign)
rescue SibApiV3Sdk::ApiError => e
  puts "Exception when calling EmailCampaignsApi->update_email_campaign: #{e}"
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!