Supported functions in SDKs
This is the list of all possible API operations accesible through our official API Clients.
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
AccountApi | getAccount | GET /account | Get your account information, plan and credits details |
AttributesApi | createAttribute | POST /contacts/attributes/{attributeCategory}/{attributeName} | Create contact attribute |
AttributesApi | deleteAttribute | DELETE /contacts/attributes/{attributeCategory}/{attributeName} | Delete an attribute |
AttributesApi | getAttributes | GET /contacts/attributes | List all attributes |
AttributesApi | updateAttribute | PUT /contacts/attributes/{attributeCategory}/{attributeName} | Update contact attribute |
ContactsApi | addContactToList | POST /contacts/lists/{listId}/contacts/add | Add existing contacts to a list |
ContactsApi | createAttribute | POST /contacts/attributes/{attributeCategory}/{attributeName} | Create contact attribute |
ContactsApi | createContact | POST /contacts | Create a contact |
ContactsApi | createDoiContact | POST /contacts/doubleOptinConfirmation | Create a contact to trigger the DOI workflow from a Landing Page form |
ContactsApi | createFolder | POST /contacts/folders | Create a folder |
ContactsApi | createList | POST /contacts/lists | Create a list |
ContactsApi | deleteAttribute | DELETE /contacts/attributes/{attributeCategory}/{attributeName} | Delete an attribute |
ContactsApi | deleteContact | DELETE /contacts/{email} | Delete a contact |
ContactsApi | deleteFolder | DELETE /contacts/folders/{folderId} | Delete a folder (and all its lists) |
ContactsApi | deleteList | DELETE /contacts/lists/{listId} | Delete a list |
ContactsApi | getAttributes | GET /contacts/attributes | List all attributes |
ContactsApi | getContactInfo | GET /contacts/{email} | Get a contact's details |
ContactsApi | getContactStats | GET /contacts/{email}/campaignStats | Get email campaigns' statistics for a contact |
ContactsApi | getContacts | GET /contacts | Get all the contacts |
ContactsApi | getContactsFromList | GET /contacts/lists/{listId}/contacts | Get contacts in a list |
ContactsApi | getFolder | GET /contacts/folders/{folderId} | Returns a folder's details |
ContactsApi | getFolderLists | GET /contacts/folders/{folderId}/lists | Get lists in a folder |
ContactsApi | getFolders | GET /contacts/folders | Get all folders |
ContactsApi | getList | GET /contacts/lists/{listId} | Get a list's details |
ContactsApi | getLists | GET /contacts/lists | Get all the lists |
ContactsApi | importContacts | POST /contacts/import | Import contacts |
ContactsApi | removeContactFromList | POST /contacts/lists/{listId}/contacts/remove | Delete a contact from a list |
ContactsApi | requestContactExport | POST /contacts/export | Export contacts |
ContactsApi | updateAttribute | PUT /contacts/attributes/{attributeCategory}/{attributeName} | Update contact attribute |
ContactsApi | updateContact | PUT /contacts/{email} | Update a contact |
ContactsApi | updateFolder | PUT /contacts/folders/{folderId} | Update a folder |
ContactsApi | updateList | PUT /contacts/lists/{listId} | Update a list |
EmailCampaignsApi | createEmailCampaign | POST /emailCampaigns | Create an email campaign |
EmailCampaignsApi | deleteEmailCampaign | DELETE /emailCampaigns/{campaignId} | Delete an email campaign |
EmailCampaignsApi | emailExportRecipients | POST /emailCampaigns/{campaignId}/exportRecipients | Export the recipients of an email campaign |
EmailCampaignsApi | getAbTestCampaignResult | GET /emailCampaigns/{campaignId}/abTestCampaignResult | Get an A/B test email campaign results |
EmailCampaignsApi | getEmailCampaign | GET /emailCampaigns/{campaignId} | Get an email campaign report |
EmailCampaignsApi | getEmailCampaigns | GET /emailCampaigns | Return all your created email campaigns |
EmailCampaignsApi | getSharedTemplateUrl | GET /emailCampaigns/{campaignId}/sharedUrl | Get a shared template url |
EmailCampaignsApi | sendEmailCampaignNow | POST /emailCampaigns/{campaignId}/sendNow | Send an email campaign immediately, based on campaignId |
EmailCampaignsApi | sendReport | POST /emailCampaigns/{campaignId}/sendReport | Send the report of a campaign |
EmailCampaignsApi | sendTestEmail | POST /emailCampaigns/{campaignId}/sendTest | Send an email campaign to your test list |
EmailCampaignsApi | updateCampaignStatus | PUT /emailCampaigns/{campaignId}/status | Update an email campaign status |
EmailCampaignsApi | updateEmailCampaign | PUT /emailCampaigns/{campaignId} | Update an email campaign |
EmailCampaignsApi | uploadImageToGallery | POST /emailCampaigns/images | Upload an image to your account's image gallery |
FoldersApi | createFolder | POST /contacts/folders | Create a folder |
FoldersApi | deleteFolder | DELETE /contacts/folders/{folderId} | Delete a folder (and all its lists) |
FoldersApi | getFolder | GET /contacts/folders/{folderId} | Returns a folder's details |
FoldersApi | getFolderLists | GET /contacts/folders/{folderId}/lists | Get lists in a folder |
FoldersApi | getFolders | GET /contacts/folders | Get all folders |
FoldersApi | updateFolder | PUT /contacts/folders/{folderId} | Update a folder |
ListsApi | addContactToList | POST /contacts/lists/{listId}/contacts/add | Add existing contacts to a list |
ListsApi | createList | POST /contacts/lists | Create a list |
ListsApi | deleteList | DELETE /contacts/lists/{listId} | Delete a list |
ListsApi | getContactsFromList | GET /contacts/lists/{listId}/contacts | Get contacts in a list |
ListsApi | getFolderLists | GET /contacts/folders/{folderId}/lists | Get lists in a folder |
ListsApi | getList | GET /contacts/lists/{listId} | Get a list's details |
ListsApi | getLists | GET /contacts/lists | Get all the lists |
ListsApi | removeContactFromList | POST /contacts/lists/{listId}/contacts/remove | Delete a contact from a list |
ListsApi | updateList | PUT /contacts/lists/{listId} | Update a list |
ProcessApi | getProcess | GET /processes/{processId} | Return the informations for a process |
ProcessApi | getProcesses | GET /processes | Return all the processes for your account |
ResellerApi | addCredits | POST /reseller/children/{childAuthKey}/credits/add | Add Email and/or SMS credits to a specific child account |
ResellerApi | associateIpToChild | POST /reseller/children/{childAuthKey}/ips/associate | Associate a dedicated IP to the child |
ResellerApi | createChildDomain | POST /reseller/children/{childAuthKey}/domains | Create a domain for a child account |
ResellerApi | createResellerChild | POST /reseller/children | Creates a reseller child |
ResellerApi | deleteChildDomain | DELETE /reseller/children/{childAuthKey}/domains/{domainName} | Delete the sender domain of the reseller child based on the childAuthKey and domainName passed |
ResellerApi | deleteResellerChild | DELETE /reseller/children/{childAuthKey} | Delete a single reseller child based on the childAuthKey supplied |
ResellerApi | dissociateIpFromChild | POST /reseller/children/{childAuthKey}/ips/dissociate | Dissociate a dedicated IP to the child |
ResellerApi | getChildAccountCreationStatus | GET /reseller/children/{childAuthKey}/accountCreationStatus | Get the status of a reseller's child account creation, whether it is successfully created (exists) or not based on the childAuthKey supplied |
ResellerApi | getChildDomains | GET /reseller/children/{childAuthKey}/domains | Get all sender domains for a specific child account |
ResellerApi | getChildInfo | GET /reseller/children/{childAuthKey} | Get a child account's details |
ResellerApi | getResellerChilds | GET /reseller/children | Get the list of all children accounts |
ResellerApi | getSsoToken | GET /reseller/children/{childAuthKey}/auth | Get session token to access Brevo (SSO) |
ResellerApi | removeCredits | POST /reseller/children/{childAuthKey}/credits/remove | Remove Email and/or SMS credits from a specific child account |
ResellerApi | updateChildAccountStatus | PUT /reseller/children/{childAuthKey}/accountStatus | Update info of reseller's child account status based on the childAuthKey supplied |
ResellerApi | updateChildDomain | PUT /reseller/children/{childAuthKey}/domains/{domainName} | Update the sender domain of reseller's child based on the childAuthKey and domainName passed |
ResellerApi | updateResellerChild | PUT /reseller/children/{childAuthKey} | Update info of reseller's child based on the childAuthKey supplied |
SMSCampaignsApi | createSmsCampaign | POST /smsCampaigns | Creates an SMS campaign |
SMSCampaignsApi | deleteSmsCampaign | DELETE /smsCampaigns/{campaignId} | Delete an SMS campaign |
SMSCampaignsApi | getSmsCampaign | GET /smsCampaigns/{campaignId} | Get an SMS campaign |
SMSCampaignsApi | getSmsCampaigns | GET /smsCampaigns | Returns the information for all your created SMS campaigns |
SMSCampaignsApi | requestSmsRecipientExport | POST /smsCampaigns/{campaignId}/exportRecipients | Export an SMS campaign's recipients |
SMSCampaignsApi | sendSmsCampaignNow | POST /smsCampaigns/{campaignId}/sendNow | Send your SMS campaign immediately |
SMSCampaignsApi | sendSmsReport | POST /smsCampaigns/{campaignId}/sendReport | Send an SMS campaign's report |
SMSCampaignsApi | sendTestSms | POST /smsCampaigns/{campaignId}/sendTest | Send a test SMS campaign |
SMSCampaignsApi | updateSmsCampaign | PUT /smsCampaigns/{campaignId} | Update an SMS campaign |
SMSCampaignsApi | updateSmsCampaignStatus | PUT /smsCampaigns/{campaignId}/status | Update a campaign's status |
SMTPApi | createSmtpTemplate | POST /smtp/templates | Create an email template |
SMTPApi | deleteHardbounces | POST /smtp/deleteHardbounces | Delete hardbounces |
SMTPApi | deleteSmtpTemplate | DELETE /smtp/templates/{templateId} | Delete an inactive email template |
SMTPApi | getAggregatedSmtpReport | GET /smtp/statistics/aggregatedReport | Get your transactional email activity aggregated over a period of time |
SMTPApi | getEmailEventReport | GET /smtp/statistics/events | Get all your transactional email activity (unaggregated events) |
SMTPApi | getSmtpReport | GET /smtp/statistics/reports | Get your transactional email activity aggregated per day |
SMTPApi | getSmtpTemplate | GET /smtp/templates/{templateId} | Returns the template information |
SMTPApi | getSmtpTemplates | GET /smtp/templates | Get the list of email templates |
SMTPApi | getTransacBlockedContacts | GET /smtp/blockedContacts | Get the list of blocked or unsubscribed transactional contacts |
SMTPApi | getTransacEmailContent | GET /smtp/emails/{uuid} | Get the personalized content of a sent transactional email |
SMTPApi | getTransacEmailsList | GET /smtp/emails | Get the list of transactional emails on the basis of allowed filters |
SMTPApi | sendTemplate | POST /smtp/templates/{templateId}/send | Send a template |
SMTPApi | sendTestTemplate | POST /smtp/templates/{templateId}/sendTest | Send a template to your test list |
SMTPApi | sendTransacEmail | POST /smtp/email | Send a transactional email |
SMTPApi | smtpBlockedContactsEmailDelete | DELETE /smtp/blockedContacts/{email} | Unblock or resubscribe a transactional contact |
SMTPApi | smtpLogMessageIdDelete | DELETE /smtp/log/{messageId} | Delete an SMTP transactional log |
SMTPApi | updateSmtpTemplate | PUT /smtp/templates/{templateId} | Update an email template |
SendersApi | createSender | POST /senders | Create a new sender |
SendersApi | deleteSender | DELETE /senders/{senderId} | Delete a sender |
SendersApi | getIps | GET /senders/ips | Get all the dedicated IPs for your account |
SendersApi | getIpsFromSender | GET /senders/{senderId}/ips | Get all the dedicated IPs for a sender |
SendersApi | getSenders | GET /senders | Get the list of all your senders |
SendersApi | updateSender | PUT /senders/{senderId} | Update a sender |
TransactionalSMSApi | getSmsEvents | GET /transactionalSMS/statistics/events | Get all your SMS activity (unaggregated events) |
TransactionalSMSApi | getTransacAggregatedSmsReport | GET /transactionalSMS/statistics/aggregatedReport | Get your SMS activity aggregated over a period of time |
TransactionalSMSApi | getTransacSmsReport | GET /transactionalSMS/statistics/reports | Get your SMS activity aggregated per day |
TransactionalSMSApi | sendTransacSms | POST /transactionalSMS/sms | Send the SMS campaign to a mobile number |
WebhooksApi | createWebhook | POST /webhooks | Create a webhook |
WebhooksApi | deleteWebhook | DELETE /webhooks/{webhookId} | Delete a webhook |
WebhooksApi | getWebhook | GET /webhooks/{webhookId} | Get a webhook details |
WebhooksApi | getWebhooks | GET /webhooks | Get all webhooks |
WebhooksApi | updateWebhook | PUT /webhooks/{webhookId} | Update a webhook |
Updated about 1 month ago