Domain authentication and validation

You can authenticate and validate your domains after creating and managing them. You need a domain name which is valid so that it can be authenticated. To check out the public endpoints, you can go to API reference > Domains.

1. Validate domain configuration

You can use the endpoint{domainName} with the GET method to validate your domain. You can use the cURL request below to send a request to the endpoint.

curl --request GET \
     --url \
     --header 'accept: application/json' \
     --header 'api-key: '

This endpoint shows the configurations of a specific domain. There is only one attribute for this endpoint domainName which you have to append with the URL in the cURL request. It is defined below in the table:

domainNameStringName of the


A sample response for the request would be something like:

  "domain": "",
  "verified": false,
  "authenticated": false,
  "dns_records": {
    "dkim_record": {
      "type": "TXT",
      "value": "k=rsa;p=MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQDeMVIzrCa3T14JsNY0IRv5/2V1/v2itlviLQBwXsa7shBD6TrBkswsFUToPyMRWC9tbR/5ey0nRBH0ZVxp+lsmTxid2Y2z+FApQ6ra2VsXfbJP3HE6wAO0YTVEJt1TmeczhEd2Jiz/fcabIISgXEdSpTYJhb0ct0VJRxcg4c8c7wIDAQAB",
      "host_name": "mail._domainkey.",
      "status": false
    "brevo_code": {
      "type": "TXT",
      "value": "brevo-code:e760f020e6d438149540cfc757e99b5a",
      "host_name": "",
      "status": false

In the JSON format, the domains configurations are shown and if the domain is verified and authenticated. You can find some response codes below and their description.

Response codeMessageDescription
200Domain configurationIt shows the status of domain verification and authentication.
400Bad requestRequest fails due to a bad request involving incorrect or missing parameters etc.
404Domain does not existRequest fails because the domain does not exist.

2. Authenticate a domain

You can use the endpoint{domainName}/authenticate with the PUT method to authenticate a domain. The cURL request below can be utilised to send a request to the endpoint.

curl --request PUT \
     --url \
     --header 'accept: application/json' \
     --header 'api-key: '

You can put the attribute domainName in the url of the cURL request as mentioned here{domainName}/authenticate. The attribute is mentioned in the table below:

domainNameStringName of the


How to get your domain verified?

There are three ways to authenticate your domain:

  1. DNS records: You need the Brevo record to verify your domain. To authenticate the domain, configure your domain with other remaining DNS records.
  2. Host a file: You can host a file in the root directory of the domain.
  3. Send an email: You can send email for a verification code which will verify the domain is authentic.


A sample response would be something like:

  "domain_name": "",
  "message": "Domain has been authenticated successfully."

A few response codes and their descriptions are mentioned below in the table:

Response codeMessageDescription
200Domain authenticatedThe domain is authenticated.
400Bad requestBad request due to invalid or missing parameters. It can also be due to a values mismatch with DKIM records and Brevo code.
404Domain does not existDomain does not exist in the database.