Using the official Workspace in Postman
You can now make use of a powerful API tool to help you streamline your workflow when building with our API services. Easily explore, test and contribute to our collections. Fork our workspace and get started following these steps:
Explore the Workspace
By hitting the below button you will be redirected to our Workspace. You can explore it or simply fork it directly into your team space for it to be visible by you and other members of your organisation.
You can browse the available endpoints in the left panel and the complementary documentation in the middle panel.

Exploring the collections
Configure your environment
By default , you will have the Sendinblue API v3 environment preset with some important variables which are required to make our endpoints work. An important one to define before you start interacting with the Workspace items is the {{api-key}}
You simply need to retrieve your credential by following this other guide on API Keys. Once you have your token you just need to add it to your working environment like so:

Setting up your environment
Import the environment via URL
You can also import the default environment by hitting this link
Running the first example
Once you have properly configured your environment all the endpoints in the Workspace will inherit this value and should now be able to interact with our services without doing any further configuration. One basic example to test the connection is properly set is fetching your account details through our "Get your account information, plan and credits details" endpoint.
1- Select the endpoint from the list
2- Hit the " send
" button
3- Wait for the service to fetch your account data and render it as a JSON object.

Fetching data
Some recommendations
- Feel free to create pull requests, we will review them and merge them accordingly.
- Make sure to keep your collection updated by syncing it frequently with the latest version.
Updated over 1 year ago