SMS | Send a transactional message

Transactional SMS provides solution for non-promotional emails using the recipients contact number instead of email address. It is used to send notifications and confirmations like making an online order.


Get your API key from your settings (SMTP & API).

If you are new to the API, read more about how the api works.

Send SMS message to a mobile number (Synchronous)


Difference between synchronous and asynchronous endpoint versions

There are two endpoints for sending an SMS message to a mobile number:

Both the asynchronous and synchronous API endpoints send messages synchronously, the key difference is how they handle request acceptance. The asynchronous endpoint accepts request faster as compared to the synchronous endpoint.

This request uses the endpoint with the POST method. A sample cURL request is:

curl --request POST \
     --url \
     --header 'accept: application/json' \
     --header 'api-key: YOUR-API-KEY' \
     --header 'content-type: application/json' \
     --data '
  "type": "transactional",
  "unicodeEnabled": true,
  "sender": "piyush",
  "recipient": "912240002499",
  "content": "sms content",
  "tag": "t1",
  "webUrl": "",
  "organisationPrefix": "TestCompany"

The params are mentioned below:

Attribute nameDatatypeDescriptionValue
senderStringName of the sender. The number of characters is limited to 11 for alphanumeric characters and 15 for numeric charactersMyShop
recipientStringMobile number to send SMS with the country code33689965433
contentStringContent of the message. If more than 160 characters long, will be sent as multiple text messagesEnter this code:CCJJG8 to validate your account
typeStringType of the SMS. Marketing SMS messages are those sent typically with marketing content. Transactional SMS messages are sent to individuals and are triggered in response to some action, such as a sign-up, purchase, etc.Choice of Transactional and Marketing
tagStringTag of the messageaccountValidation
webUrlUrlWebhook to call for each event triggered by the message (delivered etc.)
unicodeEnabledBooleanFormat of the message. It indicates whether the content should be treated as unicode or not.Boolean true or false
organisationPrefixStringA recognizable prefix will ensure your audience knows who you are. Recommended by U.S. carriers. This will be added as your Brand Name before the message content. Prefer verifying maximum length of 160 characters including this prefix in message content to avoid multiple sending of same sms.Brand name like My Company


Additional info for type and content params

type param: To ensure the [STOP CODE] is correctly substituted, you must specify the type as “marketing” when using the transactional SMS API endpoint. If your SMS content includes [STOP CODE], select the type as “marketing.”

content param when type is marketing: On some routes, the short code will automatically replace the alphanumeric SenderID if you do not add an opt-out [STOP CODE].

The response for a successful 201 request is shown here:

  "reference": "ab1cde2fgh3i4jklmno",
  "messageId": 1511882900176220,
  "smsCount": 2,
  "usedCredits": 0.7,
  "remainingCredits": 82.85

If a 402 response code occurs that means you dont have enough credits in your account to send an SMS.

Send SMS message asynchronously to a mobile number


Difference between synchronous and asynchronous endpoint versions

There are two endpoints for sending an SMS message to a mobile number:

Both the asynchronous and synchronous API endpoints send messages synchronously, the key difference is how they handle request acceptance. The asynchronous endpoint accepts request faster as compared to the synchronous endpoint.

This endpoint provides better response time than the endpoint Send SMS message to a mobile number. This endpoint uses the endpoint with the POST method. A sample cURL request is:

curl --request POST \
     --url \
     --header 'accept: application/json' \
     --header 'api-key: YOUR-API-KEY' \
     --header 'content-type: application/json' \
     --data '
  "sender": "MyShop",
  "recipient": "33680065433",
  "content": "Enter this code:CAAA08 to validate your account",
  "type": "marketing",
  "tag": "\"tag1\" OR [\"tag1\", \"tag2\"]",
  "webUrl": "",
  "unicodeEnabled": true,
  "organisationPrefix": "MyCompany"

The params are mentioned below:

Attribute nameDatatypeDescriptionValue
senderStringName of the sender. The number of characters is limited to 11 for alphanumeric characters and 15 for numeric charactersMyShop
recipientStringMobile number to send SMS with the country code33680005003
contentStringContent of the message. If more than 160 characters long, will be sent as multiple text messagesEnter this code:CCJJG8 to validate your account
typeStringType of the SMS. Marketing SMS messages are those sent typically with marketing content. Transactional SMS messages are sent to individuals and are triggered in response to some action, such as a sign-up, purchase, etc.Choice of Transactional and Marketing
tagStringTag of the messageaccountValidation
webUrlUrlWebhook to call for each event triggered by the message (delivered etc.)
unicodeEnabledBooleanFormat of the message. It indicates whether the content should be treated as unicode or not.Boolean true or false
organisationPrefixStringA recognizable prefix will ensure your audience knows who you are. Recommended by U.S. carriers. This will be added as your Brand Name before the message content. Prefer verifying maximum length of 160 characters including this prefix in message content to avoid multiple sending of same sms.Brand name like My Company

The response for a successful 201 request is shown here:

  "messageId": 1511882900100020,  

A 400 error code means you sent a bad request.

Get your SMS activity aggregated over a period of time

This request uses the endpoint with the GET method. You can send a request with the cURL request below:

curl --request GET \
     --url '' \
     --header 'accept: application/json' \
     --header 'api-key: '

There are some query params which are mentioned below.

startDateStringMandatory if endDate is used. Starting date (YYYY-MM-DD) of the report2024-01-25
endDateStringMandatory if startDate is used. Ending date (YYYY-MM-DD) of the report2024-02-25
daysint64Number of days in the past including today (positive integer). Not compatible with startDate and endDate10
tagStringFilter on a tagtagged

After a successful request, the SMS activity response is shown below.

  "range": "2015-05-22|2017-11-29",
  "requests": 54,
  "delivered": 16,
  "hardBounces": 5,
  "softBounces": 26,
  "blocked": 4,
  "unsubscribed": 10,
  "replied": 8,
  "accepted": 6,
  "rejected": 14

Get your SMS activity aggregated per day

This request uses the endpoint with the GET method. You can send a request with the cURL request below.

curl --request GET \
     --url '' \
     --header 'accept: application/json'

You can also add more query params above in the --url header, the params are mentioned below in a table.

startDateStringMandatory if endDate is used. Starting date (YYYY-MM-DD) of the report2024-01-25
endDateStringMandatory if startDate is used. Ending date (YYYY-MM-DD) of the report2024-02-25
daysint64Number of days in the past including today (positive integer). Not compatible with startDate and endDate10
tagStringFilter on a tagtagged
sortStringSort the results in the ascending/descending order of record creation. Default order is descending if sort is not passeddesc

After a successful request, the response looks something like below.

  "reports": [
      "date": "2017-04-30",
      "requests": 10756,
      "delivered": 10103,
      "hardBounces": 21,
      "softBounces": 137,
      "blocked": 1026,
      "unsubscribed": 720,
      "replied": 5091,
      "accepted": 2318,
      "rejected": 0,
      "skipped": 0
      "date": "2017-05-01",
      "requests": 18812,
      "delivered": 17499,
      "hardBounces": 34,
      "softBounces": 254,
      "blocked": 1514,
      "unsubscribed": 1090,
      "replied": 10089,
      "accepted": 4393,
      "rejected": 0,
      "skipped": 0
      "date": "2017-05-02",
      "requests": 14321,
      "delivered": 13427,
      "hardBounces": 16,
      "softBounces": 176,
      "blocked": 1646,
      "unsubscribed": 1170,
      "replied": 11563,
      "accepted": 4689,
      "rejected": 0,
      "skipped": 1

Get all your SMS activity (unaggregated events)

This request uses the endpoint with the GET method. You can send a request with the cURL request below.

curl --request GET \
     --url '' \
     --header 'accept: application/json'

The query params for this endpoint are mentioned below.

startDateStringMandatory if endDate is used. Starting date (YYYY-MM-DD) of the report2024-01-25
endDateStringMandatory if startDate is used. Ending date (YYYY-MM-DD) of the report2024-02-25
daysint64Number of days in the past including today (positive integer). Not compatible with startDate and endDate10
tagStringFilter on a tagtagged
sortStringSort the results in the ascending/descending order of record creation. Default order is descending if sort is not passeddesc
limitint64Number of documents per page50
offsetStringIndex of the first document of the page2
phoneNumberStringFilter the report for a specific phone numbertag1
eventStringFilter the report for specific eventsIncludes events like bounces, delivered, accepted etc.

After a successful request, the response looks something like below.

  "events": [
      "phoneNumber": "00911059469013",
      "date": "2015-05-20T12:30:00Z",
      "messageId": "1473139351170140",
      "event": "sent",
      "reason": "Recipient is currently unreachable",
      "tag": "cabWaiting"
      "phoneNumber": "00911059469013",
      "date": "2015-05-20T16:30:00Z",
      "messageId": "1473139351170140",
      "event": "delivered",
      "reason": "Recipient is currently unreachable",
      "tag": "cabRequest"